Sunday, March 16, 2014

And so it begins...

My husband has decided that he want to grow a garden. What!? Really? He wants to know if I want to help. Well.... yeah, I like eating fresh veggies as much as the next person. My fork and knife are at the ready,  that's as much help as I can muster at this time.

This garden "thing" has been a subject of conversation since New Years. He's spent countless hours pouring through gardening books, surfing the net and looking through those mail order plant magazines that we all get in the junk mail. After much "research" (his term not mine) he's decided that 'our' garden will be of the 'square foot, raised bed' variety... Fine....whatever.

My once peacful, semi-organized, single use computer room is now a repository for numerous  Excel charts showing 'last frost dates'(among other bits of gardening info),  plastic trays, buckets, seed packets, and some kind of mysterious 'dirt' discs. All items apparently essential to our garden.Harking back to the 'do you want to help' request, I decided to make a contribution to this "gardening" cacophony.....  one really cute green froggy watering can from Joanns.  Thank you very much!

Apparently, it's getting close to planting season, the little 'dirt' wafers have magically turned into miniature piles of some type of soggy 'quasi' dirt into which the husband has placed an assortment of seeds. Obviously he's doing it correctly because these little dirt lumps have now coughed up a plethora of spindly green things that I can only assume will evolve into the broccoli, and tomatoes that I will someday eat.